Does anyone have any announcements or news that they would like to share and have posted here? or help more?  If so, please contact , Reunion President: Floyd "Nolan" Ross,

2019 Killough Reunion

Saturday October 12, 2019
10:00 AM to about 3 PM

Killough Massacre Memorial Site - Save the date - Saturday October 12, 2019 from 10AM to about 3 PM we will meet and have lunch at Mt Selman Baptist Church in Mt Selman located on Hwy 69 behind the gas station across from FM 855. From there we will travel to the site to lay flowers and have a memorial service.

Hope you all can attend. The meal will be pot lunch, Sharon Farmer will provide the paper goods, drinks and a main dish. The reason we do pot luck is due to the cost of catering and not knowing how many will attend, Hope all will attend.

Can’t wait to meet and greet each and everyone of you. President Floyd Nolan Ross, Vice President Sally Wisdom, co-Secretaries Lynda And Teresa Cannon co-treasures Dennis and Sharon Killough Farmer.

Any questions you may call or text any of the officers.

Directions to the site from the church:

Killough Monument is located on CR 3431. We will leave the church crossing Hwy 69 to FM 855 as you travel down FM 855 you will turn left on CR 3409 then you will come to a T in the road, turn right on CR 3411 then you will turn left on CR 3431 you will see the metal gate the road will dead end at the Monument. Latitude 32.0548 Longitude-95.3429 those that need hotel/motel there are about 5 In Jacksonville and multiple ones in Tyler. The Monument is between these two cities.

Thank you

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Killough Family Shirts

Here is the link to the Killough Family shirts listed in my hand made Etsy shop. I will be keeping the shipping fee, and sending the amount received for each shirt to the Killough Family Reunion Association as donation for funding the upkeep of the monument. If y'all would rather I make a whole separate website, just for the Killough shirts, please let me know and I'll be glad to.   - Bev Hill

Toddler sizes: $5, Youth sizes: $10, Adult sizes: $15, Adult sizes with all-over print: $20

These are listed in my shop as;



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2017 Killough Reunion

Will be held June 17th at the monument
June 17, 2017 starting at 10:00 am

The board is looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you.

Please bring your lawn chairs, Pot luck meal, we are asking all that come to bring a side dish and we will provide the meat.  Plates, Napkins, Forks, Cups will also be provided.

We are hoping this will be an exciting look back on how our ancestor gathered to share a meal. (Except we will have fans.) If you have a canopy, please bring to help shade us.

If you would like to help in any other way please call Sharon Farmer at 903-388-4569 and I will let you know how you can help.

Directions to the monument

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Thank you!!!

Thank you to Michael Lowe owner of
Red River Pressure Washing for cleaning the graffiti off of the monument!!!
Here is a link to his website:


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Help Buy New Fencing For Monument Site!!!

Due to the recent vandalism at the monument and the damage focused by hogs
to the grounds the board has voted to replace the cyclone
fencing that was stolen a few years ago.

The cost is $3418.00 dollars.  If anyone can help in making a contribution
Please send your check payable to the Killough Massacre Memorial Site Inc.

Please mail to: Sharon Farmer, 635 E US Hwy 84, Fairfield, Texas  75840.


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2015 Killough Reunion

Will be held in North, Bullard, Texas on
June 13, 2015

This years gathering will be June 13, 2015 at the Mt. Selman Baptist Church, 47408 US HWY 69 North, Bullard, Tx 75757
from 9am to 4pm.

We are asking that everyone bring a covered dish.

Also that there is an opening for a Vice President and a general board member.

2015 Killough Memorial Site Inc Reunion Schedule:

8:30- 9:00 open and setup
9:00- 10:00 meet and greet
10:00-10:15 call together
10:15-10:45 drive to monument
10:45-11:30 lay wreath take group picture.
11:30-12 free time
12:15 return to church
12:15-12:30 prepare for meal
12:30 prayer
12:30-1:30 meal bring a covered dish
1:30-2:00 auction
2:00-2:30 cleanup
2:30-3:00 officer meeting
3:00-4:00 business meeting and election for new officers.
Call to order
Treasure report
Old business
New business

For more information contact Killough Reunion President, Floyd "Nolan" Ross
email:, or phone: 972-923-2335.

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* * * Killough Family Reunion News - July 2013 * * *


We would like to express our appreciation to the continued support from Cherokee County and the City of Jacksonville for the help in the upkeep of the Killough Monument.

The monument is an part of this community and as stewards of it, I applaud your efforts
in helping to insure that it is there for generations to come.
Floyd "Nolan" Ross, President Killough Massacre Memorial Site Inc.

* * * 

2013 Killough Reunion

Was held in Jacksonville, Texas the weekend of
June 8 & 9, 2013

Killough reunion attendees at the massacre monument site


The 2013 Killough Reunion occurred June 8-9, in Jacksonville, Texas. We had a better turnout this time than last, with a group large enough at dinner to clean out the restaurant`s entire dessert menu for just our group! We were joined for the event by Ann Chandler, author of a Newberry nominated historical fiction based on the Killough Massacre. Ann shared her insights for the book at dinner, and donated an autographed copy for the Silent Auction fundraiser. It was a wonderful event enjoyed by all. Our next Reunion will be held in 2015, with specific details to follow.

6/9/13 - Board updates - From Floyd "Nolan" Ross:

Sharon Killough Farmer is our new treasurer. John and Liz Killough are stepping down but will remain board members.
Sally Wisdom and Sherry Emiline Schluneger were also elected to the board.

Family dues - is $10.00 per family. 

Please send dues and donations to our treasurer, Sharon Farmer

635 East US Highway 84
Fairfield, Texas  75840

903-389-5907 Home,
903-388-4569 Sharon cell. 


All money is used for the upkeep of the monument.

* * * 

Officers of the Killough Reunion Association for the years
June 2013 to June 2015 are:

President: Floyd "Nolan" Ross, 110 Alvis Ln., Waxahachie,  TX 75165.  Phone: 972-923-2335


Vice President couple: Bill and Nancy McRae, 7810 Cornerstone Parkway, Dallas,  TX  75225-1805.

Secretary: Rachel Killough Heitz


Treasurer: Sharon Killough Farmer

  Co-Historians: Linda Cannon Meadows & Teresa Cannon. 

  Other Board Members:

Sherry Emiline Killough Schlunger
Sally Killough Wisdom
Richmond Henderson "Ricky" Killough
John Killough and Liz Killough

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For thirteen years (1989-2002), Zora (Killough) Cunningham, Historian for the Killough family that has been meeting in Jacksonville, TX, since 1954, worked with all the Killough records that were sent to her from families all over the United States, Canada and Ireland.  She continued to hold the office of Historian until her death in 2005.  But in October 2002, because of ill health and age related problems, she began the process of transferring most of the work to wonderful volunteer assistants.  Today, these assistants continue collecting updates to the 1997 edition of the Killough Family book

Please send your updates or first-time information for dates and places for births, dates and places for marriages, dates and places for deaths and burial, (obituaries are helpful) along with types of occupations and current cities of residence to one of the following Historian Assistants: 

Covenanter branch of Ohio and Little Britain, PA, branch to Jim Killough, 5400 Walnut Ave. #810, Downers Grove, IL 60515,

The Maine Branch is being collected by the Kallochs (Kalloch Reunion Association) so we do not collect them.  Ken Kalloch, 11 Joffre St., Concord, NH 03301,, is helping the Kalloch Reunion Association to collect this information, so please contact him about this branch.  - NOTE: Ken is only working on this branch.

Ireland and Canada Branches and More Killoughs, Killough families. - Currently no contact person for these branches. 

The North Carolina/Arkansas Branches and the Rhea Co., TN and Montgomery Co., AL branches go to Daniel T. Killough, 1365 Wallace Rd NW, Salem, OR  97304,

The Old South Branches of Rutherford Co., TN and Livingston Co., KY go to Floyd "Nolan" Ross, 110 Alvis Ln., Waxahachie, TX 75165,

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Killough Board Meeting - June 16, 2012

10/26/10 - From Reunion President, Floyd Ross:

Finally was able to make a few contacts at the Cherokee County Probation Department and they sent a crew out to the monument and did a great JOB CLEANING UP.  Hurray for Cherokee County..............

This is a special Thanks from the Killough Family to them.


* * * 

8/18/10 - From Reunion President, Floyd Ross:

It was discovered when we arrived for our Board Meeting on the 14th.  The main marker had been pushed over again and a grave had been partially dug up.  I called the sheriff’s department and they came out and did a report.  We did find out that the Cherokee County Sheriff’s dept is making regular runs out daily.

We had our regular board meeting and discussed the vandalism and of coarse next years Reunion.  It will be on June 11th.  We will be sending out further details about it soon.

Broken main monument marker - 14 Aug. 2010
 Main marker - 8/14/10
Broken gravestone - 14 Aug. 2010
Grave damage - 8/14/10

* * * 

44/1/10 - Killough Monument/Massacre Site Update - From John Henry Killough

Sorry to report the cemetery is hopeless, there is no way to stop the vandals short of a 24 hour heavily armed guard.  The sheriff people are so far away they are no help.  We tried to keep it nice for a while, but a favorite act of the vandals is to knock over the official state marker by the entrance.  We repeatedly had it reset at some expense only to see it back on the ground.  The special marker Jean Cannon had made for Nathaniel (her ancestor) since the original one embedded in the monument was no longer readable, has been stolen.  The latest is the complete removal of the chain link fence surrounding the cemetery.  The cost to replace the fence is way more than we have in the bank so there is nothing we can do.  It is simply no use in driving over 100 miles round trip to keep it mowed and cleaned up when the vandals immediately descend on it to have their beer and drug parties so we give up.  If anyone has a suggestion to help this please let us know.

John also sent an update for the Reunion Association Officers.

* * * 

(From Floyd "Nolan" Ross 6/2/09)

  1. From the intersection of Highway 69 & Farm/Market (FM) Road 855 go west on FM 855 until you reach FM 3405. There is a sign there (or was at one time) that reads “Killough Monument” and points to the left.
  2. Turn left on FM 3405 and go just about .4 miles to FM 3411.
  3. Turn right on FM 3411 and go .6 miles until you reach a road with a green gate with a huge boulder on either side. That is actually FM 3431, but there is no sign there.
  4. Turn left and proceed through the gate – the monument and cemetery are at the end of the road.

* * *

BIRTHDAY ANNOUNCEMENT! - (From Nance Killough Cunningham, daughter of Zora Killough Cunningham).

The association might like to know that Edna Mae Killough, wife of Roy Killough, cousin in John Allen Killough, will be celebrating her 90th birthday in Oklahoma City on December 2, 2007.  Her actual birthday is December 12. Roy and John Allen were very instrumental in the founding of the Killough Reunion Association at Jacksonville, Texas.  Edna Mae attended the reunion for many years.  She has always been so proud and happy to be welcome in the Killough family.

Edna Mae's address is 837 N.W. 49th Street, Oklahoma City OK 73118.

* * *

9/15/05 - It is with sadness that I write of the passing of Zora Louise (Killough) Cunningham yesterday at the age of 80.  Her daughter Nance writes: "after a long and happy life, and a pretty difficult and heroic struggle with a variety of medical problems, especially these last few months, Mom died peacefully on September 14 about 2:30 in the afternoon.  Family was close to her bed constantly for several days."  In Memoriam (Zora's obituary).

8/3/05 - From Floyd "Nolan" Ross - The reunion was a hit and we all had a great time.  We had the best dessert contest, youngest and oldest person attending, Silent auction, and regular gathering at the monument.  There were about 150 people that attended from as faraway as Alaska and Ireland.  Within the USA it was Southern California, Utah, Las Vegas and New York.

6/14/05 - Floyd "Nolan" Ross, writes: "put me on the Web site for the Old south Branch, we are still looking for a permanent replacement.  Let me know if you hear of any volunteers.  I will be sending you a letter to post on how the [50th Killough] reunion went...  Also The current news on Zora is that hospice is with her and she is coherent about 3 hours a day.  Please continue to pray for her and her family."

* * *

The "2005 Killough Reunion Association Newsletter" is now online (opens in a new window, click close at the bottom of the page to return here).

Ken Kalloch has volunteered to take the job of Message Board Administrator on the "Killough Message Board" at RootsWeb (see for link).  Ken is also Board Administrator for the "Kalloch Message Board".


* * *


 If you are driving south from Tyler, TX, about 21 miles down Hwy 135, you will see this sign:


If you are driving southeast from Dallas on Hwy 175, when you are about 8 miles from Jacksonville, you will see a sign like this.  It takes a few minutes longer to get to the Killough Monument from this point.  There will be a large boulder at either side of the road where you turn in to get to the Monument.

* * *


March 23, 2005, Zora reports that the cemetery has not been vandalized since it has been being kept up so well.  Right now it is clean and respectable looking in every way.  The grass is just now greening up and some flowers will be showing up pretty soon.  You will be proud of it.

* * *

As of June 2004, we are happy to report that the cemetery and surroundings look lovely.  There has been only one incidence of minor vandalism there since last fall.  When repeated problems kept occurring last summer, John and Elizabeth (Liz) Killough of Murchison, TX, and Marlena and Carl Phillips of Jacksonville volunteered to steadily repair and replace whatever had been damaged.  The Phillips are working in the Jacksonville school system and are very interested in taking care of their community.

The two couples spent many days out there using their own equipment and muscle power removing graffiti from the state historical sign, the monument, and the gravestones.  They haul away trash regularly.

A bad storm hit the area and knocked down a large sweet gum tree that was just outside the front fence.  The tree had to be cut up and hauled away and the fence repaired.  The top railing along the back fence had to be replaced and repaired from other damage.  The railroad ties at the parking place were rotten and were replaced.

The grass and weeds behind, beside, and inside the cemetery have been kept trimmed.  Cannas, iris, tulips, tiger lilies, a redbud tree and crepe myrtle bushes have been planted along the front fence.  They sprayed along the edges for poison ivy and keep the fire ant hills sprayed.

Sometimes tourists come by and want to know the story of the place.  John printed up handout copies of Uncle Billie's story and a map that shows approximately where the Killough cabins were. They are surprised that a modern day Killough would be there.

We owe these dear folks a big debt of gratitude.  Their philosophy is that as long as the cemetery looks well cared for and people are there often, it is less likely to be mistreated.  They do not want to be paid for their work or materials.  However, we are going to insist they take money for their expenses.

* * *


Any KILLOUGH Reunion group may publicize their meetings in this space in the future.  Send complete information to the webmaster: or Ken Kalloch, 11 Joffre St., Concord, NH  03301. 

Send it as far in advance as possible.  This is meant to be a means of inviting distant kin who would not otherwise know about it.  It is exciting to get acquainted with Killoughs and their descendants outside of your own family.


Kalloch Family Reunion - Maine Branch

The Kalloch branch (descendants of Finley Killough/Kelloch) of our family in Maine, will hold their 150th annual reunion on 8/19/17.  For information about this reunion visit: (Then click 'Family Reunion Association' link at the left of the page).

Greetings from our Kalloch Relatives in Maine!!!

Kalloch family webmaster & historian, Ken Kalloch
(Ken is also our webmaster!)
& Kalloch family historian, Peter Richardson while preparing for their
2003 Kalloch Reunion, each put on one of
our Reunion shirts, and
in the spirit of family unity, send us their greetings!!!

* * *


Many of you computer literate folks out there have your own web sites.  If you send the URLs to the editor, they will be listed in this site.  Others in your big Killough family would probably enjoy seeing what you have.  (Also, take a look at the "Killough-Killough Family WebRing" section below).

Mitch Fincher's site:  - Mitch has the text of the  book The Killough/Kellough Family in Ireland, Canada, and the United States  on his site.

"The Kalloch Family Home Page"  Website of the Kalloch Reunion Association.  This branch of the Killoughs go by the name "Kalloch" and are descended from Finley Killough (Kelloch), son of Robert Killough, born 1681 in County Antrim, Ire., and his wife Margaret Finley Killough.


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KILLOUGH.ORG SITE IS BACK!! is officially back online as of March 29, 2003!  Thanks to Floyd Nolan Ross for helping Zora to get the hosting and domain information taken care of and to Ken Kalloch for resurrecting the site. 

The original website went down offline sometime in 2001 and all the pages were consequently lost.  What you see here was recreated by Ken Kalloch from archived pages stored in the Internet Archive.   The original background color used on these pages was a bright yellow.  The text font has been changed from "Times Roman" to "Georgia".   Ken is continuing to work with Zora to add additional new information and improve the appearance of the site.

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Site Map